Learn the Dutch language

Interested in taking up Dutch courses? Whether you want to learn Dutch so you can start a Dutch degree programme, or you just want to learn Dutch on the side while you are studying in ΞΆΓάΘ¦ and Brussels: find all information here.

Preparatory year

International students can study Dutch as a preparatory year before studying a Dutch degree at a Flemish higher education institution. For such a preparatory year, non-EER students can receive a visa for the maximum of one year. Beware, in order to receive this visa and be able to start the preparatory programme, the student has to enrol in the Dutch programme after.

The higher education institutions will refer to a Flemish University Centre such as , and , which is thus not necessarily associated with the higher education institution they will eventually study at. For more information on this preparatory year, please contact the higher education institution.

Students listening and taking notes.

Learning Dutch while enrolled at a programme

Interested in learning Dutch while you are enrolled at a degree programme? There are several options, from downloading the app Duolingo on your phone to taking up language courses at the CVO (Centres for Adult Education). For people with the refugee status, you can find more information at the contact centers of het ""

Some institutions also offer studying Dutch as an optional subject in the English course, and award you ECTS for it.

For more information on what your institution offers, take a link at the webpages below.

A pile of books.

Dedicated webpages

For more information, please visit the individual webpages of the Flemish higher education institutions below.


Universitites of Applied Scienses (and Arts)